FISH MED NET organizes the Blue Growth Symposium

FISH MED NET organizes the Blue Growth Symposium

Within the framework of the FISH MED NET project, the partnership organised the Blue Growth Symposium event hosted in Beirut, by the partner the Ministry of Agriculture in Lebanon. The event focused on the theme of the Blue Economy, involving key institutional actors, representatives of public and private organisations, stakeholders […]

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International Cooperatives Day

International Cooperatives Day

At the occasion of the 100th International Cooperatives Day, we are pleased to present the Second Data Factsheet, about the data from our Development Platform on the initiatives of international development cooperation that promote and support the cooperative movement all around the world. The Factsheet gathers the international cooperation projects implemented by the […]

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Ukraine crisis: the response from Legacoop movement

Ukraine crisis: the response from Legacoop movement

The crisis that has broken out in Ukraine has not left the companies and structures of Legacoop indifferent. In recent weeks, the solidarity initiatives undertaken in support of the Ukrainian population have multiplied, both with aid to the country and with support for all those who have fled the war […]

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International Cooperatives Day 2021

International Cooperatives Day 2021

The International Cooperatives Day 2021 celebretes how the cooperatives have helped their communities through the pandemic and how they can rebuild better together. In celebrating the Cooperatives Day, Haliéus i s pleased to present the First Data Factsheet introducing the Development Data Platform, the important tool to collect and analyse […]

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A new visual identity for Haliéus

A new visual identity for Haliéus

It was launched today the new visual identity of Haliéus! The new visual identity is the result of the great work of the Communication Team of members of Haliéus and the expertise of the cooperative Pazlab. “This step” declared the President Francesca Ottolenghi ” is part of the path of […]

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Completed with success the training on Impact Measurement

Completed with success the training on Impact Measurement

Haliéus’ work continues to support the cooperatives and structures of the Legacoop system active in international development cooperation. Enhancing the sharing of knowledge between cooperatives in full mutualistic spirit, Halièus – in collaboration with the cooperative Gnucoop – offered to its members and to the actors adhering to the Haliéus-Legacoop […]

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New milestone for Haliéus: now registered in the list of Civil Society Organizations recognized by the AICS

New milestone for Haliéus: now registered in the list of Civil Society Organizations recognized by the AICS

The Italian Development Cooperation Agency (AICS) has just officialized the registration of Haliéus in the Register of Civil Society Organizations (OSC) and other non-profit entities that can carry out international cooperation initiatives with the support of Agency, pursuant to art. 26 of Law no. 125/2014. “Over the years Haliéus has […]

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