International Cooperative Alliance, the message of hope and greetings from the ICA President Ariel Guarco

End of year message from ICA President

The ICA President, Mr. Ariel Guarco took the occasion of the end of 2023 to remind and celebrate the cooperative model, as a construction sustained from the bottom up, rooted in each community, and connected at the international level by our common vision of the world we want to build. For this, we continue to promote an economy that puts people and the environment at the center, oriented towards the common good in every action we take.

Driving this economy are the workers, users of cooperative services, producers, consumers, people who are saving for the future, educators, caregivers, and more. We understand that cooperation is more effective than competition and that prosperity must go hand in hand with everyone’s wellbeing. The ICA is the home for all of us who practice this type of economy and has positioned us on the international stage as a strong and integrated movement, defender of a socio-business model that is intimately linked with sustainable development.

Waiting for the 2025, the second United Nations International Year of Cooperatives, to celebrate the cooperative identity and principles, with the occasion of many international events.

Together with the ICA President we want to greet the brothers and sisters, who are undergoing horrific circumstances in Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, and other places where the violence and cruelty of war are directly harming the social and productive fabric of cooperatives and communities, hoping, more than ever, that 2024 comes loaded with cooperative energy and to advance and build a world with democracy, peace, and social justice.

Read all the message from the ICA President here:


