Assembly of the International Cooperative Agricultural Organisation (ICAO) hosted in Rome

Assembly of the International Cooperative Agricultural Organisation (ICAO) hosted in Rome

The ICA Agricultural Sector Assembly, organised in coordination with the Alliance of Italian Agri-Food Cooperatives, was held in Rome from 9 to 11 July. The three-day event opened on Tuesday 9 with a meeting between Vice-President Attilio Dadda, member of the ICA Board, and Mr. Hodong Kang, President of ICAO […]

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“YouCool” starts: european project on digitalization of Youth cooperators in Vietnam, result of Italy-Vietnam cooperation

“YouCool” starts: european project on digitalization of Youth cooperators in Vietnam, result of Italy-Vietnam cooperation

Rome, 8 July 2024 – We are pleased to announce the official launch of the project “YouCool, Youth in Cooperatives as actors of digital transformation of Local communities” in partnership with the Vietnamese Cooperatives Alliance (member of ICA) and Haliéus, funded by the European Union through the “Enhancing CSOs’ Contribution […]

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Haliéus grows: 6 cooperatives as new members of the Association

Haliéus grows: 6 cooperatives as new members of the Association

Rome, 1 July 2024 – Haliéus, Legacoop’s international development cooperation organisation, is pleased to announce the entry of six cooperative enterprises into its membership structure. An important milestone that consolidates the role of Haliéus as a tool for promoting the cooperative business model in partner countries to strengthen communities and […]

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Cooperatives Build a Better Future for All: 2024 International Day of Cooperatives

Cooperatives Build a Better Future for All: 2024 International Day of Cooperatives

This year on July 6, cooperatives around the world will celebrate the International Day of Cooperatives with the theme “Cooperatives Build a Better Future for All.” Cooperatives will have the opportunity to showcase their current and historical contributions to building a sustainable future, accelerating efforts to implement the Sustainable Development […]

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C7 Statement to the G7 Foreign Ministers

C7 Statement to the G7 Foreign Ministers

Ahead of the G7 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Capri, 17-19 April 2024, the C7 (Civil7), issue a statement with our recommendations to call on the G7 Foreign Ministers to take concrete actions to promote human rights and the common interests of humanity and the planet for a more peaceful, just and secure […]

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International Cooperative Alliance_International Women’s Day

International Cooperative Alliance_International Women’s Day

ICA Gender Equality Committee’s Statement on the International Women’s Day 2024 Under the theme “Invest in women: Accelerate progress”, the 2024 International Women’s Day focuses on the need to provide the necessary and appropriate resources to ensure the success of gender equality policies and measures. It also stresses the importance […]

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International Cooperative Alliance, the message of hope and greetings from the ICA President Ariel Guarco

International Cooperative Alliance, the message of hope and greetings from the ICA President Ariel Guarco

The ICA President, Mr. Ariel Guarco took the occasion of the end of 2023 to remind and celebrate the cooperative model, as a construction sustained from the bottom up, rooted in each community, and connected at the international level by our common vision of the world we want to build. […]

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How to raise awareness on the cooperative model among coffee producers groups in Lao PDR? The case of SuperWECoffee project

How to raise awareness on the cooperative model among coffee producers groups in Lao PDR? The case of SuperWECoffee project

Within SuperWECoffee project, we together with the Partners CARE International in Lao PDR, 4FORM (Ente di Formazione Nazionale di Legacoop) and International Co-operative Alliance-Asia and Pacific, we have been in the Sekong province in Lao PDR, to implement the Training of Trainers.

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Following the escalation of violence in both Israel and Palestine, the international cooperative movement stands in solidarity with all victims on both sides of the conflict and our members in the region. We strongly condemn the attacks against civilian population and the kidnapping of civilians and call on the international […]

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