FISH MED NET organizes the Blue Growth Symposium

Within the framework of the FISH MED NET project, the partnership organised the Blue Growth Symposium event hosted in Beirut, by the partner the Ministry of Agriculture in Lebanon.

The event focused on the theme of the Blue Economy, involving key institutional actors, representatives of public and private organisations, stakeholders from the blue economy, tourism and culture including fisheries diversification, and representatives of the Managing Authority of the ENI CBC MED Programme.

Starting from the results of the FiSH MED NET project, the participants then hypothesised and discussed about future synergies and a plan to capitalise on joint results and collaborative solutions for an economic, social and environmental development in the field of Blue Economy, in cooperation with the Lebanese representatives and partners of other projects funded by the ENI CBC MED Programme.

The event was an excellent opportunity to develop joint strategies to strengthen alliances and synergies in the Blue Economy sector in the Mediterranean area.

During the Symposium, participants and representatives shared their best practices at both local and sectoral levels in order to multiply and capitalise on the results of ENI CBC MED g projects as a positive opportunity for the blue economy and to create joint strategies for a sustainable development of the blue economy at social, economic and environmental levels in the Mediterranean basin.
The Symposium was the starting point for the future plan to capitalise on the results of FISH MED NET.

Moreover, the event was an opportunity to share the upcoming  INTERREG NEXT MED Programme, thanks to the presence of the Responsible of Communication, Mr. Martin Heibel, who sensitised all the participants, and referents of the ongoing ENI CBC MED projects, about the new thematic priorities and the future new eligible countries, included in the Mediterranean basin.

For more information on FISH MED NET, please visit the website.

