- 4 February 2020
Study of non-local fisheries workers

Country: Italy and Malta
Project duration: October 2015 - June 2016
Financing Body: EUROPEAN UNION DG MARE (Ref. N12 EASME/EMFF/2015/
Partnership: MRAG (Applicant), Oceanic Development, COFFEY, Poseidon, AND International, Lamans S.A., Irepa Onlus. Haliéus (Applicant) Subcontractor
Brief description:
The aim of the project was to collect statistical and qualitative data on the emoployment of foreign European and non-European workers in the fisheries sector and its sub-sectors, throughout the Italian peninsula and the island of Malta, in order to provide DG MARE and EASME with current picture of the employment of foreign workers int he sector.
As part of its research and advocacy activities, WWF Mediterranean is investigating the impact of Bluefin Tuna aquaculture on the sustainability of fish stock utilization, inside and outside the Mediterranean. Therefore, Mediterranean WWF has asked Haliéus to develop research to investigate the dynamics of Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus). To this end, Haliéus has developed a research based on literature, direct interviews of operators and researchers and analysis of data available on international databases (ICCAT, Eurostat, UN Trade Comm, National Data, etc), focusing mainly on the main Mediterranean producers: Spain, Malta, Turkey and Croatia.
The results of the study contributed to the international debate on the national quota system for Bluefin Tune and its controls, underlining the importance that small-scale fishing can play in this system.